Friday, November 18, 2011

A Moment of Silent Hate

“I think we should have a moment of silence in solidarity for the person they said was from the Washington, D.C. Occupy. Maybe, why did he feel the need to shoot the White House window today?” he asked.

“So I think we should have a moment in solidarity for the White House, and for the guy that shot at the White House today. I don’t know if you heard, but someone shot at the White House window today.”

I'm not a big fan of Obama, but it never occurred to me to for the guy that wanted to assassinate him.

I wonder what fellow Californian Maxine Waters (D) has to say about this. The same Maxine Waters who:
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) thinks the Tea Party can go "straight to Hell." But when asked about the crime and violence at Occupy Wall Street camps, she said, “that’s life and it happens.”

“That’s a distraction from the goals of the protesters," she told CNS News.

“Let me just say this," she said, adding, "Anytime you have a gathering, homeless people are going to show up."

“They will find some comfort in having some other people out on the streets with them. They’re looking for food. Often times, the criminal element will invade. That’s life and it happens, whether it’s with protesters or other efforts that go on in this country."
Yep. The peaceful Tea Party can go to Hell, but the rioting, violent occupiers are "that's life."

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